Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

I now have a tree filed with beautiful one-of-a-kind ornaments from years of craft fairs and museum shops, and travels to cities everywhere. But if I can’t get around the world, I’m glad their ornaments can now get to me, via Etsy. This stunning porcelain...
Accessories make the world go round. (Says us.)

Accessories make the world go round. (Says us.)

Now that I’m expecting baby number two, accessories are the only fashion items I will allow myself to indulge in. I mean, who knows what form my figure will take after I pop out this little dude? To that end, I will certainly be hitting up Style Tryst, a new...
Chewbeads – Mom jewelry for your main accessory

Chewbeads – Mom jewelry for your main accessory

I had not yet felt a great need for mom jewelry. For me, wearing my child’s name around my neck felt redundant because frankly, she is hanging around my neck.(After 15 months of breastfeeding and a total failure to ever accept a bottle, my husband has deemed her...
Jewelry that really makes a statement

Jewelry that really makes a statement

Remember when slogan t-shirts were all the rage? (Yes, I still have my “Frankie Say Relax!” shirt from college.) Well here’s a new way for me to express myself through accessories, maybe even a little bit more cleverly than I could do on my own....
Get in the Halloween spirit in a pin(ch)

Get in the Halloween spirit in a pin(ch)

As the final countdown to my favorite holiday of the year begins, I can’t help but want to break out the package of fun size M&Ms and throw fake cobwebs around my foyer, like right now.Since I know I’ll only eat all the candy and end up accidentally...
Art you can wear. Thanks Erica Rosenfeld.

Art you can wear. Thanks Erica Rosenfeld.

People who know me live and in person tell me they often think of me in terms of my jewelry – big, chunky, interesting, often made of glass. Yes, glass. And when they ask where I got it, I find myself saying, more often than not, “It’s Erica...
This is how to wear a monogram

This is how to wear a monogram

I’m definitely a huge fan of big, bold jewelry, but when it comes to the more sentimental pieces for myself and really, gifts for others, I tend to like the simpler designs. Like the lovely monogrammed pendant from Three Sisters Jewelry which would make the...
Silly Bandz, now coming to a chest near you

Silly Bandz, now coming to a chest near you

I was hoping–praying–that the Silly Bandz craze would stay far far away from my daughter’s preschool. When it hit, it hit hard, like a giant neon apocalyptic storm of wiggly plastic and shrieking children. I can completely see why some schools are...
Happy Father’s Day, dawg

Happy Father’s Day, dawg

Not every guy is a jewelry guy but I am in admiration of those funky types who are. Meaning, those men who can pull off the hipster dog tag or chunky ID bracelet thing; not those with the Wookie chest hair and the gold Mr. T chains.For those dads in the former...
Mix, match, stack, stun

Mix, match, stack, stun

I have a thing for rings, so when I first saw these recycled sterling silver stacking rivet rings from the very talented Julie Booras of Heart and Stone Jewelry I was immediately drawn to them for all of the obvious reasons. But I realized that — while getting...