by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
Looking around the Shokay e-shop recently, it turns out one of our favorite fair trade purveyors of luxury hand knit baby clothes are doing beautiful things with accessories now too. Kristen and I pretty much gasped simultaneously when we saw their link floral...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
It really pains me to compromise my jewelry choices because I’m a mom, but when you’re chasing after three kids under five most of the day you just can’t wear the same delicate, dangly bracelets that get caught on everything if you’re doing...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
In only five or so years of spousal gift giving, I think I pretty much exhausted the personalized, sentimental guy gifts. So my interest was piqued when I saw the custom map cufflinks from Anne Holman. Using vintage world atlases, Anne will take your choice of...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
I was just poking around Etsy (I do that a lot) and I came across a link to the KnitKnit shop from Brooklyn artist Nguyen Le. And there I spotted this incredible cameo necklace and just fell in love. Or rather, it looks like a cameo, but it’s actually all needle...
by Leah | Toys + Playthings
It’s getting Autumnal all up in here! Fall is my favorite time of year because I love to wear jeans, sweaters and boots. I love chocolaty browns and ochre yellows and dark pumpkin colors. The latter two don’t look very good on me, but I don’t care....
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
I know it’s exorbitant. I know it’s indulgent. But when I saw the handmade solid gold globe charms from Heather B. Moore jewelry recently, I just fell in love. You can customize them with teeny diamond (or two or ten) in a spot you choose, which is just...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
You can always tell a great jewelry artist when you want to wear pretty much everything she makes. And that’s just how I’d describe the innovative stainless steel pop-out jewelry from Houston artist Melissa Borrell. Just like those old cool plastic toys in...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
I shrieked with joy last night when friend of CMP and Jimmies lead singer Ashley Albert turned us onto her new collaborative project with Phoebe Jonas, Survival of the Hippest. And by hippest we mean techiest, geekiest, and 2.0-iest, of course.The shop is going to...