All hail the ponytail

All hail the ponytail

Whether I’m ready or not, it’s officially fall, and the hats and scarves are starting to fill the stores, as I needed another reminder that cold weather is on its way. If you’re starting to track down fall accessories for your daughters,...
A loafer to love

A loafer to love

Say goodbye to white pants and linen, mamas. Just fold it it up, put it in up on the high shelf of the closet and slowly back away. I know you can do it. But on the bright side, get ready to welcome all the really wonderful fashion choices coming your way for fall,...
Shades for your little co-pilot

Shades for your little co-pilot

Summer is upon us and I am gathering my toddler’s arsenal of sun hats, sun block–and yes, I will make another desperate attempt at sunglasses. Sunglasses on a 2 year old– I know, what’s the point? They won’t keep them on or they will be...
Cute kids’ underwear, hold the licensed characters

Cute kids’ underwear, hold the licensed characters

As those of us past our post-potty training days (hooray!) can attest, cute underwear is a brilliant incentive for kids to ditch the diapers. But a quick look around your local “we sell six-packs of kids’ underwear” store, and it’s clear that...
You can leave your hat on

You can leave your hat on

My son will pretty much live with a baseball cap attached to his head for the next few sunny months, since getting sunscreen applied to his mane of light-blonde hair is a messy disaster. But, there are many times when his sports-logo’d baseball cap seems...
Let puppies take over your kids’ underwear

Let puppies take over your kids’ underwear

Some girls like hair accessories, others like tutus. Mine? Are obsessed with underwear. OH THE DRAMA we have each morning over which pair to wear. If your kids, like mine, go gaga over character underwear, but you’d rather keep the TV characters away from one...