by Liz Gumbinner | Entertainment + Media, Mother's Day Gifts
So far, we’ve loved what’s happening with The We Time Project that we introduced last month: In order to help you connect more with far away friends and family around shared experiences, we’ve been offering our readers 30 days worth of unlimited...
by Kate Etue | Books for Kids, Toys + Playthings
It’s a clear, gorgeous 65-degree day here today, and it’s the perfect opportunity for me to send my 10-year-old to the back porch with a copy of The Extraordinary Book that Eats Itself — along with permission to do any of the fun eco-friendly...
by Cool Mom Team | Kids, Tips + Tricks
We keep looking for the silver lining in the past Year That Was Like No Other, and as we talk to other parents, one thing comes up over and over: “my kid discovered they really love _____.” Whether it’s manga or chemistry, dystopian fiction or...
by Kate Etue | Toys + Playthings
All year long, we adore sending subscription gifts for kids, which are always some of our favorites to give — and also, happen to make perfect last minute gifts for birthdays, holidays, or other celebrations. Our kids love to receive boxes in the mail each...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast, Doing Good, Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
If there’s one thing we’re all talking about right now, and maybe even tearing up about (if you’re Liz), it’s the long-awaited arrival of the Covid-19 vaccines. So we invited the most perfect guest to sit down with us: vaccine expert, NYU...
by Liz Gumbinner | Doing Good
Stronger than an off-the-record anonymous White House source. More powerful than a mask worn under your nose. Able to get more Americans believing in science in a single press conference. It’s epidemiologist Dr.Anthony S Fauci! And soon, he’ll be available...
by Kate Etue | Toys + Playthings
If you don’t think of family board games as an educational opportunity to supplement your kids’ learning, well put away the Cards Against Humanity (ha) and check out these suggestions! To be clear, as a homeschooling mom, I’m a big fan of actual...
by Liz Gumbinner | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing, Tips + Tricks
I just read that nearly 30% of Americans sometimes, rarely, or never wear a mask in public and it makes me want to bang my head on something. Nothing too hard though, because our hospitals have been through enough and don’t need the likes of a self-inflicted...
by Cool Mom Team | Kids, Entertainment + Media
This is a sponsored message from Coding with Kids With all the gaming kids are doing this summer, it’s pretty cool that there’s a way parents can help turn their love for say, Roblox or Minecraft, into an educational STEM opportunity — all at an...