by Christina Refford | Uncategorized
I got a snazzy new camera for Mother’s Day and hoped it would instantly turn me into a photographer that makes grown men cry. Instead, I’m still taking loads of uninspired, far-away photos of my kids doing various inexplicable things. What I need is a...
by Mir | Helpful Services
Look, we’ve discussed my SIS (Scrapbook Impairment Syndrome) in the past. I’m okay with it. There are tools available for me to do pretty things with my pictures in other ways.But if I want a genuine photos-affixed-to-beautiful-backgrounds, scrapbook...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
We’ve been blown away by the awesome entries to the Shutterfly contest so far. We love seeing your families and your amazing books – so keep them coming! You have until tomorrow night to share your own book and win a bunch of great prizes –...