by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
Our kids never cease to amaze us. Those minds are just so fluid and open, they’re always coming up with brilliant ideas and creative inventions that our cynical adult brains would probably nix before the ideas got halfway off the ground. So we asked a whole...
by Kristen Chase | Cool Tech
We’re firm believers that kids can change the world. In fact, there are kids doing it right now. So we’re sharing three kid inventors we’re absolutely thrilled to know about because their work is so mind-blowingly amazing, it gives us remarkable hope...
by Lexi Petronis | Uncategorized
We totally get the last-minute holiday gift problem. Believe us! I mean, we may have started working on our 2017 Holiday Gift Guide in, like…May, but hey, we’re busy moms. And we’re busy shopping for you! So no judgments at all if you’re...
by Liz Gumbinner | Toys + Playthings
With the perfectly timed December launch of Rogue One, of course Star Wars toys for kids are all the rage. Again. If you’re looking for an awesome gift for your little padawan — even if he or she isn’t quite so little — here are 5 of the...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Cool Tech
There’s a ton of high-tech baby gear out there these days — but not all of it is stuff we’d actually use or recommend. I mean, just because you can invent a training potty with an iPad stand that doesn’t mean you should. So we put our heads...
by Kate Etue | Toys + Playthings
This summer my family hit a new milestone on our bikes: my youngest learned to ride without training wheels, and my oldest is now big enough to be trusted to ride his bike a couple blocks to his friend’s house on his own. (Although I still sit next to the phone...
by Cool Mom Team | Back to School Shopping, School Gear
So once you’ve gotten the hand sanitizer, the tissue boxes, and everything else on that classroom shopping list, it’s time to have a little fun with some colorful school supplies! We always recommend getting a little goodie or two for the kids that gets...
by Christina Refford | Family Travel
For many of us, summer means heading off to our go-to camp where our kids spend their days playing outdoors, going on nature hikes, swimming in ponds, and singing goofy camp songs with all their friends. But if your kids would prefer a less-traditional or even totally...