by Cool Mom Team | Kid Style
On a trip to LA last month, I knew I had to stop into Fred Segal, my retail happy place for many many years. While I’m not in the market for a $700 pair of shoes this particular moment, I always love stopping into the kids boutique there to see what LA mamas are...
by Christina Refford | Uncategorized
We’d never recommend you give our forefathers the finger (especially on President’s Day!), but in the case of these adorable knit finger puppets from Wee Knits, we’ll make an exception. Their Patriotic collection of finger puppets includes George...
by Christina Refford | DIY
You know what’s scary? Realizing you’ve invited a bunch of little butterflies and superheroes to invade your home for a pre-trick-or-treating soiree, and then realizing your house is not ready. Ahem. Since making a last-minute dash to a...
by Cool Mom Team | Art + Decor, Baby
If you’re anything like me, you spent all this time picking out the nursery colors, obsessing over the crib sheets, and then completely forgetting to beautiful the very thing you look at 40 times a day–the diaper storage. I never really liked those hanging...
by Christina Refford | Books for Adults
Having lived through the hippie styles of the 70’s, the new-wave neon of the 80’s, and the regrettable grunge fashions of the 90’s, I have enough embarrassing family family photos to fill a book. A very cringe-worthy, hilarious book. Which is just...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Books for Adults
I’m not a dad, I’m not expecting, and I usually find pregnancy humor about as funny as postpartum hemorrhoids. But I’m happy to admit that Dad’s Pregnant, Too! by advice columnist and author Harlan Cohen was a pleasant surprise. Why?He tells...
by Christina Refford | Toys + Playthings
I have nothing against boys embracing pink, but when I went to buy a little boy doll for my nephew to love while his mama was caring for a newborn, I found that 99% of the baby dolls in the big toy store were of the female persuasion.France’s Corolle, the maker...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Yes it’s kind of a cliche that all dads like barbecuing and therefore all need grill tools for Father’s Day. But at least in my family, all the dads do like barbecuing and need grill tools for Father’s Day, so there. I love the look of all the...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
For those of you who woke up this morning thinking Oh [your favorite expletive], I forgot to send a Father’s Day card! we’ve got you covered with the hilarious free e-cards from Rattlebox. Click over now and you have a whole selection of...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
We’re a book family for sure. If I’m ever short on a gift idea, a book is always a home run provided it’s suited to the recipient (i.e. I’m not getting my sigOth the new Sex and the City book). With Father’s Day fast approaching (T minus...