Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes
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More coolness from recent weeks…
It even looks good covered in oatmeal.
At Cool Mom Picks, we are particularly fond of family-run enterprises (no, not the Mansons). So we were excited to discover the simple, original designs of 3 Girls and Us. Claire and Matt, parents to--what else--three girls, have created tees, hoodies, creepers and...
Higher Standards
Here at Cool Mom Picks, we feel you get what you pay for. That is why we recommend the Swiss-made Svan highchair for the practical parent who’d rather coordinate with her dinner table than with her baby’s bouncy seat.
Put Some Funk in Your Junk
This funky rocker, called the Giddyup Ozlo, blows away those tired old wooden rocking horses that come in such exciting shades as tan and brown *yawn*.
Just Because You Freeze Your Butt Off Running Outside Doesn’t Mean Your Kid Has To…
What a Bitch
Around the time our second son was born, I came across an amazing book, The Bitch in the House: 26 Women Tell the Truth About Sex, Solitude, Work, Motherhood, and Marriage, a collection of essays edited by Cathi Hanauer.
The Joy of Sox
Nothing is cuter than a tiny pair of newborn socks. We all oooh and aaah over the little delicacies at baby showers in all their teeny glory, but the reality of socks is that they suck. It’s a neverending battle line drawn in the sandbox between Moms and their...
The Three Filthiest Words: Bathing Suit Season
If you’re like me, childbirth left you with a sorry excuse for a tummy and a profound fear of garments ending in the suffix -ini.
The Mod Hatter: Contest for a Cause
mod*mom, that mama with the hippest, most happening retro-modern design blog, is on the lookout for those of you with a good eye and a big heart. You see mod*mom, also known as Kristen (no relation to CMP's Kristen), was diagnosed earlier this year with breast cancer...
Lullabies for EMOmmies
Binky Bling
Admit it, the only reason to stick around for the whole gift-opening shebang at baby showers is to make sure no present receives bigger oohs and ahhs than yours. Let’s just say your title of World’s Most Awesome Gift Giver will never be challenged when the hipster...
How Do You Spell Relief?
Being the extremely mistrusting first-time mother that I am, you might imagine the lengthy pre-evening out monologue that my poor babysitter must endure every time I leave the house. I'm sure I lose her after the first 15 seconds and God only knows how much after that...
Around The World in 39 Minutes
Call me crazy, but I think if I hear another cheesy kid’s song belted by an extremely happy male and female duo, I may just lose my lunch. I’m not sure what makes us think that kids like to listen to purple dinosaurs and four men in matching shirts when it’s perfectly obvious that if they’ll listen to that stuff, they’ll probably listen to anything.
This is My Kind of Scrapbooking
Isn't there a saying that goes something like The Road to Hell is Paved in Good Intentions? Well, that seems to be where I'm headed when it comes to putting together my daughter's baby scrapbook. I haven't been lax in saving items; her memory box (as I like to call...
Tag, You’re It
After cruising through way too many websites full of beaded mommy jewelry that look like something my daughter could have made at preschool, I nearly gave up on my search for the perfect personalized mommy necklace. But amidst the sites featuring fake-jeweled charms...
Why Don’t I Just Give You My Card?
You Know Where to Stick It
It may be a woman’s prerogative to change her mind, but that’s small comfort when your walls are defiled with telltale nail holes. Fickle decorators, take comfort. Modernseed, purveyor of all things fabulous, has an amazing selection of reusable peel-and-stick wall decals to splash across your child’s room or playroom.
The Nicest Sheets Any Baby Could Ask To Pee All Over
As we all well know, the most challenging, stressful, agony-inducing aspect of pregnancy is picking out crib bedding. It kept me up more nights than my ever-shrinking bladder.
Something for the Swinger in All of Us
This Stuff Even Makes My Tushie Happy
If you haven't heard, cloth diapering is all the rage. So, that means I was popular for the first six months of my daughter's life. While I don't do the cloth diaper thing anymore, I still love Kathleen's stuff. At Happy Tushies, you will find boutique-style cloth...
Those Other Shoes Are so 2005…
The soft leather soles of those cutie-booties just don’t cut it on our hard bumpy local sidewalks. And so we’ve upgraded to Pedoodles wonderful leather shoes, made with a seamless footbed and their trademarked PedFlex rubber soles.
The Stylish Tushie
I never thought twice about diapering my son with the eco-not-so-conscious disposable diaper. I have to admit, I thought that cloth diapers were still big cotton towels that required safety pins, manual dexterity, and a whole lot of free time.