by Liz Gumbinner | Tips + Tricks
Over the past few months, the most beloved social media site among the bloggers we know and trust, Pinterest, has made some notable changes that have us all scratching our heads. It started with Pinterest querying us on our interests last year, which was soon...
by Cool Mom Team | Party Ideas
It seems the days of simply announcing whether your baby is a boy or girl seem to be long gone. The latest trend in baby showers that shows no signs of waning is the gender reveal party — personalized, meticulously planned, sometimes messy events with...
by Liz Gumbinner | Valentine's Day
So yes, of course you can brave the crowds, hit the store, and track down something perfectly lovely as a last minute Valentines gift this week. But should you have actual kids to wrangle, or you know, job responsibilities or Netflix to catch up on, I could see where...
by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes
This is a sponsored message on behalf of Rock the Lunchbox It’s halfway through the school year and plenty of parents are finding themselves in a school-lunch rut. If you’re nodding your head, or just want to make your kids’ lunchbox a...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
We’re always looking for ways to save time and money grocery shopping, especially during the holiday season when we’re all feeling stretched thinner than usual in every way. We’re spending more on holiday gifts and family travel, and even...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
These days, there’s no shortage of ways to save money, which is certainly welcome over the holiday season and our growing shopping lists. And it’s not just about coupons, discounts, and deals, which we love, of course. Taking steps to live more sustainably...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Looking for last minute Halloween awesome? Follow our Pinterest boards for these 5 fun Halloween pins, plus lots more of our daily picks and more coolness from around the web. 1. Helpful tips for taking great Halloween photos of kids. 2. A huge round-up of free...