by Kate Etue | Tips + Tricks
One of the items on my son’s bucket list this summer is to learn to tie a bowline, a half-hitch, and a square knot…with his eyes closed. They are requirements for his scouting program, but have easily become at-home entertainment for the whole family....
by Georgette Gilmore | Cards + Stationery
Since old fashioned pen to paper is usually the required form of communication at camps, cool sleepaway camp postcards make it easy! They keep writing short and sweet, don’t require envelopes, and if you give your kid a set all stamped and ready to go, the odds...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
Today on Spawned, guest host Stacie Billis joins Liz for a great chat that should put all you first-time sleepaway camp parents — or future sleepaway camp parents — at ease. Well, mostly. Tune in for tips like when to know your kid is ready for camp, how...
by Lexi Petronis | Family Travel
Summer camps have changed a lot since we were kids. No offense to good ol’ Camp Starfire and the many, many lanyards we made there, but the options for our kids are wildly creative, expertly thought-out, and — sometimes — curiously specific. Circus...
by Kate Etue | Mother's Day Gifts
My most favorite Mother’s Day cards are the ones my kids make themselves. Because, how can I resist an adorable handprint poster or toddler-style drawing of Mommy & Me? Heart is melting over here. So, I’ve checked out some of our favorite craft...
by Kate Etue | Doing Good
Oh, our hearts have been heavy watching the devastation from the flooding across Louisiana this week. More than 100,000 homes and buildings have been affected by these rising waters with reports of 30,000 people affected, and as many as 11,000 who have spent time in...
by Christina Refford | Cards + Stationery, Family Travel
If your little camper is heading off to sleepaway camp this summer, possibly for the first time (sniff), you’ll likely receive from the camp a long list of all the essentials to pack — extra socks, bug repellent, water bottles, headlamps. But, on top of...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips + Tricks
As your kids get older, you realize you don’t have to ply them with gifts or offer extra ice cream at dessert just to be The Cool Parent. (And despite what you may have learned from Amy Poehler in Mean Girls, you don’t have to serve them cocktails with...
by Liz Gumbinner | Toys + Playthings
I keep being told that donuts are the new macarons, which used to be the new cupcakes, so I shouldn’t be surprised that I’m seeing them everywhere. And my kids are clamoring for them. They are emblazoned on stationery, tote bags, t-shirts, even toys and...