by Christina Refford | Books for Kids, Doing Good
As we get closer to Thanksgiving, charity and giving to others is particuarly top of mind, which is why I was just so happy to discover several subscription boxes for kids that teach those very values. Many of us are talking to our kids about things to be thankful...
by Liz Gumbinner | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing, Kids, Tips + Tricks
After 18 months (sigh) it’s now clear that we’re past the point of “any mask is better than nothing” for preventing Covid spread, especially with the Delta variant here. In fact, just this weekend, the CDC issued new, specific recommendation...
by Caroline Siegrist | Books for Kids, Books for Adults
Not to brag, but here at CMP, we’re kind of kids’ books experts. We round up the best of the best lists every year, keep taps on the new releases, and share all kinds of YA book recommendations for parents. Which is why I was so happy when I saw that Time...
by Liz Gumbinner | Style + Beauty, Doing Good, Living
I had a long talk with my (avidly LGBTQ+ supporting) teens this week about the overlap between Pride Month and brands. On one hand, there’s an argument about the “corporatization” of Pride Month, and the rainbow washing of products. On the other...
by Kate Etue | Beauty + Cosmetics
Ready for a new shampoo that not only keeps your hair gorgeous but cuts back on all that bottle waste? Thanks to Liz’s recommendation that I try out Green Ablutions Moroccan Argan Oil bar shampoo to see how it works, I think I’ve finally found my new...
by Liz Gumbinner | Doing Good
Today on International Women’s Day, I’m feeling more hopeful than I have been for a while. For the past four years, it’s been rough, and now here we are, with our first ever woman elected into the White House, hope for some important new legislation...
by Liz Gumbinner | Living
February is hard for me in a zillion ways. Low light, cold temperatures, the biological imperative to eat all the Oreos. (Didn’t Darwin mention Oreos somewhere in his writing? I could swear I remember that from 7th grade biology.) Oh, and then there’s this...
by Christina Refford | Doing Good, Tips + Tricks
Acts of kindness have never felt more important than they do this year. And since kinds are naturally inclined toward kindness, we wanted to give this post a bump this year. Because when Christmas is over, Santa is back at the North Pole, the toys are all unwrapped,...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
I totally get the last-minute holiday gift problem. Believe me! I mean, we may have started amassing ideas for our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide in, like…February, but hey, we’re busy moms. And we’re busy shopping for you sometimes at the expense of our...