My mother-in-law successfully beat breast cancer several years ago, and while she doesn’t talk about it much, we all know it’s a cause she adamantly supports.We do our best to buy breast cancer stamps and wear any pink ribbon paraphernalia she sends us, but I’m always on the look out for something extraordinary that expresses our support for her courageous battle.
So, that’s why I was tickled pink when I found these great shirts from Cool Mom Picks favorite Uncommonly Cute. They run from tiny infant all the way up to a kid’s size six, and we love that 25% of the proceeds from the sales of these shirts goes to support finding the cure.
Andwhile you might imagine that here atCMP we all feel that C stands for cute and of course, COOL, we also truly believe it stands for courageous. And most importantly, a cure. Here’s hoping. -Kristen