When I found out that How the Grinch Stole Christmas, one of my all time faaaaavorite Christmas movies was out on Blu-ray I couldn’t wait to see it in glorious high def. Especially now that we’re officially into Christmas season.
As it turns out, the Blu-ray isn’t exactly the reason to get it. Not that I expected a Pixar film–I mean heck, the animation more than 40 years old–but the color transfer leaves something to be desired. Still, my kids don’t seem to care much. They adore the story and the singing and the dog with the antlers and (I hope) the message that Christmas isn’t about presents. No doubt we’ll be watching it a whole lot.
What really makes the DVD worth the purchase though, are some of the cool extras like a featurette on the songs, seeing what Thurl Ravenscroft (the baritone-voiced guy who sings the theme song) looks like and the really excellent TNT “making of” documentary with Phil Hartman. I could live without the pseudo-rap music behind the Dr. Seuss biographical feature, but eh. I guess I’m a Grinch. –Liz
Find How the Grinch Stole Christmas on Blu-Ray from our affiliate Amazon