Robot art print - Knowledge is the FutureBack when I was pregnant, I became obsessed with finding the perfect artwork to adorn baby M’s walls. I had almost no budget and was put off by most everything in the big stores–hearts, butterflies and safaris? Oh my. So I took to Etsy.

Two years later I continue to stalk the site for new artists to make my gift giving more gratifying which is how I came by Rachel Dodge’ shop.

After spending just a few minutes at Apple Blossom Print, I was in love with the artwork–especially this robot alphabet print proclaiming knowledge
is the future
–and I felt an instant connection to the artist.

found out she was expecting her first child and just like me started
shopping around and found the same missing style and budget options. So
last August, she combined her 10 years of design and photography
experience with her own vision: clean, bright and sincere without being
too sweet. The result is this hip collection of kids artwork which fills a
void in this small but very important corner of interior design. -Stephanie M

Shop art for kids online at Etsy’s Apple Blossom Print