tatt.ly valentines tattoosJust in time for Valentine’s Day, and plenty of parents’ quests to steer clear of cavity-causing treats to pass out in the classroom (not that there’s anything wrong with it!), our friends at Tatt.ly do it again, with a totally fabulous line of indie artist-created Valentine’s temporary tattoos.

And by the way, they’re not so bad on adults either.

Hit the What’s New section to see designs created by designers Tina Roth
Eisenberg of Swiss Miss, Julia Rothman, Bianca Gomez and more.

When I was in high school I would have been all over those besties heart tattoos, but I’d imagine my young girls go crazy for those LoveBots or Gemma Correll’s lovelorn Pug on a Bike. (Yes, a pug on a bike. It’s awesome.)

tatt.ly valentines tattoos
tatt.ly valentines tattoos
tatt.ly valentines tattoos
tatt.ly valentines tattoos
tatt.ly valentines tattoos

The tattoos are made of safe inks, and they wash off easily which I love. Plus
they last a whole lot longer than those weird ones from the gumball
machines at the supermarket.

The only drawback: once your child hands these out in school, you’ll be setting the bar mighty high for next year. –Liz

Find indie-designed temporary tattoos online at Tatt.ly, including the awesome new Valentine’s Day sets.