When I receive a book with the subtitle, The ABC’s of What We Wear I admit I’m thinking oh great, another “boys like transportation, girls like fashion” book. But it turns out I am utterly charmed by Maria Carluccio’s D is for Dress-Up, which uses her texturally rich illustrations to take early readers through the alphabet, from Apron and Bow Tie to Yoga Pants and Zippers.
(No judgment here about yoga pants, by the way. It’s just kids doing yoga in them.)
I absolutely love the authentic diversity of the children depicted throughout the book by artist and textile designer Carluccio. She’s captured a truly modern sensibility overall — like a dark sunglass-wearing mom taking her daughter to look at (V is for…) vintage clothing; the inclusion of a boy in the dance class on the L is for Leotards spread; or a boy getting funky with a colander hat and strands of beaded necklaces in D is for Dress-Up.
To my surprise — and maybe yours — Carluccio’s alphabet book is less a primer on fashion than it is a clever alphabetical journey through all sorts of childhood activities, interests, and of course, styles that contribute to children feeling like the individuals that they are. What a fabulous celebration of kids and creativity.
Find D is for Dress-Up: The ABC’s of What We Wear, by Maria Carluccio, at our affiliate Amazon or your local independent bookshop.
I am thrilled to see a beautiful book promoted with children of color promoted. Every time you feature one, I buy it. Every time! They are so important in teaching my daughter that she is valued and worthy of inclusion.