If you’re interested in editorial coverage on Cool Mom Picks,email info@coolmompicks.com with a URL and a few sentences explaining why what you’re pitching is cool. Easy.
If you’re interested in sponsored partnerships or affiliate programs, please email stefan@coolmompicks.com and he’ll hook you up with media kits and rate cards.
Due to the volume of submissions we receive, we can not respond to every email. If we’re interested in an item for review, we will get back to you with an address where you can send samples if we feel we need one. Please don’t follow up 6 times in a week, though we appreciate your enthusiasm.
Note: We’ve heard about unscrupulous people claiming to be writers for popular websites, including ours, in order to score freebies. Pretty awful, especially when small businesses are the victims. If someone contacts you directly on our behalf from an email address that is not @coolmompicks.com, feel free to confirm with stefan@coolmompicks.com.