The Ultimate 2023 Kids' Gift Guide: Our favorites for kids from 1-18

We’ve carefully curated the best gifts of the year for kids by age. Even those picky teens.

The latest from Spawned: Our award-winning parenting podcast

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In support of our duly elected American Congresswomen

In support of our duly elected American Congresswomen

On a personal level, this week has been really rough for me. The news is just filled with horrific racism, bigotry, and xenophobia directed towards elected American Congresswomen of color. And too many leaders, including those who should know better, have been bending...

Can holding a potato help prevent car sickness?

Can holding a potato help prevent car sickness?

Earlier this year, I read somewhere that holding a russet potato can help prevent car sickness. I had no idea how or why, but I thought it was worth a shot. Because if you have kids who get car sick, you know that you will try anything. Like...anything. On a long...