Gifts that help support journalism, because it matters more than ever
All gifts have been editorially determined by our staff. There has been no compensation for inclusion. (We know that's rare.)
There are affiliate links in this guide, which means that some purchases will generate a small commission to help support our own small woman-owned business, at no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting us!
All prices accurate at time of publication but subject to change.
Be sure to visit our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide posts and our 2021 Holiday Gift Guide posts for even more fabulous gift ideas
including 50+ cool gifts for kids and teens, all under $15
America Needs Journalists t-shirt
A portion of proceeds supports the Daily Iowan, the independent, nonprofit student newspaper at the University of Iowa.
$23, RayGun
Tribute donation to the Committee to Protect Journalists
CPJ defends journalists and upholds our right to access information to maintain a free society.
(Photo: Engin Akyurt via Pixabay)
Washington Post digital gift subscription
Breaking: Everything.
$100 basic digital, or $150 premium digital
Donation to support America’s future journalists
So many wonderful scholarship funds to support. Shown here: NYU Women in Communications scholarship winners
Be sure to visit our 2020 Small Business Holiday Gift Guide
which helps support dozens of indie shops, makers and artists with the best gifts for everyone on your list.
See our 2021 Holiday Gift Guide here
And don't miss our guide to 50+ of the coolest gifts for kids under $50.