Mod_hat_mod*mom, that mama with the hippest, most happening retro-modern design blog, is on the lookout for those of you with a good eye and a big heart.
You see mod*mom, also known as Kristen (no relation to CMP’s Kristen), was diagnosed earlier this year with breast cancer and just this week lost her hair to chemo treatments. While she is kind of digging the free time it’s bought her in the mornings, she would prefer to sport a little more happening look. Not a fan of wigs, she opted instead to sponsor a mod hat design contest to help her, and others like her, seek out the coolest haberdashery around. As she puts it, "we can have cancer and be stylish."
Helluva attitude, helluva gal.
So CoolMomPicks is calling on each of you to track down the grooviest mod, modern, futuristic or space-age hat on the market and email a photo of it to Kristen. She’ll post it on her blog with a link back to your site.
And for those of you who can knit, sew, crochet, decoupage, work a bedazzler, or even just glue stuff on other stuff, you’re more than welcome to create your own and send a photo of that in too. You just might sell it in the end.
The winning photos will be featured on the crazy high-traffic blog, design*sponge, to help raise awareness of breast cancer. The deadline is March 31.
And we’d just like to add that while those of us at CMP remain impartial in this contest, it’s really mod*mom we’re rooting for. -Liz