I hit the jackpot today. My couch cushion diving expedition uncovered $2.32, a pen, some cheerios, and way too many LEGOs. It’s general parenting knowledge that if you have a kid, you have LEGOs, and they are everywhere. So, instead of throwing them back in the bottomless bucket where they will inevitably find their way back into your couch or under your foot, why not donate them to the LEGO Builders of Tomorrow program?
As part of an effort to support the rebuilding of Post-Katrina New Orleans, LEGO is asking children and parents to share their little plastic building bricks with the children of New Orleans. LEGO will make a brick-for-brick matching donation to the city’s schools and some of the bricks will be used to create an original art piece that will be donated to the city.
So gather up some LEGOs (one or more) and have your child include a picture or note about what they think will help make New Orleans a strong city again. And, in return, your child will receive a LEGO-studded (suh-weet) rubber bracelet to recognize their donation. Dare I say that’s way cooler than wearing a LEGO-imprint on your foot from stepping on one of those suckers? –Kristen
[via momstoday.com]