Here at CMP, we talk a lot about stuff: Stuff for you. Stuff for your children. Stuff that makes us happy. But we don’t want our children’s lives to be ruled by how much stuff they have. And that’s why the message of singer-songwriter Paul Reisler seems so important. Paul’s organization, Kid Pan Alley, is founded on the mission of "inspiring kids to be creators, not consumers." KPA brings the experience of songwriting to children, helping them to understand that music is something they can make themselves, not just something they can download or buy.
Kid Pan Alley: Nashville is an amazing collection of songs representing collaborations between professional songwriters and Nashville area elementary students. Which means each tune combines the unbounded imagination and silliness of kids, plus the polished creative talent of some of Music City’s finest tunesmiths and famous voices like Delbert McClinton, Amy Grant, and Suzy Bogguss.
My six-year-old immediately connected with the music, and our whole family has enjoyed the variety of sounds on this album – from country and blues to power-pop and rock.
Best of all, buying KPA: Nashville does more than bring great music to your family; money raised from the sales of the album goes to support more music enrichment opportunities for kids. Plans include taking Kid Pan Alley outreach programs to more schools and to children’s hospitals in five major cities. I’m hoping they make it to mine. It would be nice to get the kids banging on instruments out of the house for a change. –Amy