I remember the time someone suggested using corn syrup to stick a bow on my then bald daughter’s head. After picking my jaw up from the ground, I vowed that I would steer clear of clips until I could find one that stayed in my daughter’s thin, soft hair without the help of kitchen staples.
Well, thanks to a strategically placed piece of felt, the clips by mom Bryn Stamets of Kenzie Klips do stay in my daughter’s hair (granted she actually does have some now). Bryn handcrafts each one (love the monograms too!) out of 100% wool felt resulting in hair clips that are sweet enough without the addition of high-calorie sweeteners.
Heck, they’ve been stuck in my daughter’s hair so frequently that my toddler son even knows what to do with one when he sees it lying around. Although they really don’t look as good on him. -Kristen
Congrats to Kenzie Klips winner, Susan C!