The CMP staff has just returned from the BlogHer conference, that magical yearly event in which hundreds of bloggers
gather together to hone our craft, take thousands of photos
and drink copious amounts of wine – yes, even those of us toting
our babies in CMP-approved slings.

Even though I’m careful to do as the commercials instruct and
drink responsibly, it’s hard to turn in early at BlogHer. I may have
had one glass too many that first night, and it was only when I fed
Oliver in the wee hours of the morning that I wondered, Shoot, am I
getting my baby drunk?

Lucky me, I talked to the folks from UpSpring Baby the next day,
and they gave me a sample of Milkscreen– the two-minute breast milk
alcohol test. After dinner, I expressed a little mother’s milk onto the strips before bed and was reassured to
see that both he and I were in the clear. We both slept well that night. -Julie
