Not all of us can afford to hang real pieces of art in our
toddlers’ rooms, or spend hours strolling with them through museums
gazing at the works of masters.  Fortunately, for less than $15, we can all afford to share this little gem from American Modernist Charley Harper.

You may think, Gee, thanks, but we really don’t need another ABC book.  But Charley Harper ABC’s is much more than just another ABC book.  When you sit down to share this chunky board book, you’ll be struck by how realistic and personality-filled the animals are; you can almost hear the D is for Dog’s tail as it wags against the floor.

Your little ones may not understand the term “minimal realism”, but you with both love sharing this book.   And, you won’t have to sweat it when they start chewing on this work of art.

Available online at Sparkability and Amazon. –Christina