This past weekend, no one was going to mistake my son for the MVP of his soccer team but he did try his best. It was the perfect occasion for one of the playing card-sized notes from Kiddo Kards: One that said Especially for you on the front and on the back, I am so proud of your hard work and effort ________.”
I filled in the rest: For getting in there and helping the Ninja’s win. You rock! then snuck the card into one of his books. When he discovered it later, words could not express his excitement.
Each tin costs $12.95 and contains 30 cards. There are 5 different themes to choose from so you’re covered for every occasion. Frankly, with a brooding eight-year-old, I suspect I’ll be getting a lot of use out of the Bad Day Busters.
So yay for Temre, creator of Kiddo Kards, for realizing that the right words at the right time can be just what your own kiddo needs. –Betsy