I know some purists who think kids’ music education should focus only on the “classics,” and, thanks to Rock Band and Guitar Hero, we’ve got that down. But, you don’t need to hear my 7 year-old warbling Barracuda to know that there is something great about real rockin’ music with clever lyrics written just for kids.
Enter, the new, kid-friendly Sugar Free Allstars’ release
Funky Fresh and Sugar Free which has me thinking of tossing my piano out the door and finding me a Hammond B3 Organ like the one on these tracks. There is just no funkier-sounding instrument out there (besides maybe James Brown’s voice) and the kids and I are totally hooked on it.
We also love the distinctive voice of Chris “Boom!” Wiser, the hard-rocking percussion of Rob “Dr. Rock” Martin and songwriting chops that don’t make me feel silly yelling We’re Gonna Rock Awesome! even if the English major in me wants to correct: Awesome-ly.
You’ll smile and grimace through the memories retold in
6th Grade Band and sing along with the bouncy chorus of
Little Red Wagon. And I dare you not to embarrass the stuffing out of your kids with your moves in th
e SFA Disco Dance Party. Hey, I am a child of the 70’s.
With a sound that is a bit like gospel, disco, funk, rock and soul
thrown into a blender and served up icy cool, this is one sugar-free
musical treat we can all enjoy without having to fudge the lyrics. –Christina
Congratulations to Kim M, lucky winner of a copy of Funky Fresh and Sugar Free!
And psst…hope to see you NY area kindie rock fans this Sunday at the Kindiefest concert featuring Ralph Covert, Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, Recess Monkey and more.