StarFish Enter SandboxMy kids have a dad who rocks, but not a dad who “rocks.” (Guitar Hero doesn’t count.) But a lot of kids do, considering there are some very cool dads who have put out fantastic CD’s in the recent past.

We thought that Father’s Day would be a great time to celebrate their contributions to kids’ music, with singing that doesn’t need to be confined to the shower. –Christina

[see the giveaway after the jump!]

Change the lyrics from stories about riding a Bike and being told to take a Time Out, and much of the second CD from StarFish, Enter Sandbox, could swim in the adult pool. I love that this is “real” rock music made by five musicians from New Jersey who must be the coolest parents on the block. But don’t worry, no little eardrums will be hurt from smashed guitars or PG-13 lyrics; it’s all very kid-accessible with songs like their anthem The Starfish Stomp and the punk-flavored Rhymes which uses anarchy to tell kids to work hard and never give up. Brilliant.

And this may make me sound ancient, but I almost cheered hearing the cover of Little Willy, one of my absolutely favorite songs from the (gulp) early 70’s. Well played, StarFish.

Rock Paper Scissors

I love it when people making music sound like they are having a freakin’ blast, and Dean Jones sure sounds that way on his CD Rock Paper Scissors

From the get-go, Hail! Hail! The Gang’s All Here! kicks things off with a party–a big raucous party which would have an overblown bounce house, the entire neighborhood and a little too much root beer. The title song gets a cool smooth touch with the voice of Lily McNamara which will have anyone within earshot singing izza, izza, izza all day long. And adding the folksy fun of The Felice Brothers makes all the beautiful noise even more so with banjo, fiddle and general musical mayhem. Uncle Rock, another cool musician dad we love, even shows up to baritone his way through Roncando, about a dad who snores a little too much.

Roy Handy and the Moonshot

Though he’s been playing music forever, Gerry Stanek’s debut kids’ CD (I’m Gonna Be) Your Best Friend (by his alter ego, Roy Handy & the Moonshot) was completed in three short weeks. After hearing what he was able to accomplish in such a short time, I may start giving my husband a hard time for taking longer to organize the basement.

With three exclamation marks behind all but one song, (I’m Gonna Be) Your Best Friend is good ol’ rock-and-roll with big-smiling lyrics. The title track is sung from the standpoint of the family dog with cool guitar riffs interspersed and Crayon Man!!! is classic rock with a great bass line. I love the slightly distorted sound of Roy Handy’s voice which reminds me of John Lennon’s voice in Revolution minus the screaming. Or maybe he’s just singing through a paper towel holder.

Either way, I dig it.

A very Happy Father’s Day to all the cool dads, grandpas, maybe even great-grandpas out there!

You’ll find StarFish’s Enter Sandbox and Roy Handy & the Moonshot’s (I’m Gonna Be) Your Best Friend at our affiliate Amazon. Dean Jones’ Rock Paper Scissors can be purchased at CD Baby.

Congratulations to ML, lucky winner of all three awesome CDs!