Organic baby food from NurturMeI have approximately 563 teensy glass baby food jars left over from when my 3-year-old was a baby. Okay, I may be exaggerating. But the pantry sure feels like Baby Food Container Central. My plan was to use these jars in all kinds of useful, and… well, still-unknown ways. 

So when baby number two arrived, I came up with another plan: I was going to make his food from organic fruits and veggies and use the old jars! How could such a genius plan possibly fail?

Right. Well, it did. Sure, I’ve mashed a bunch of bananas since the little guy started in on solids. But life is moving at breakneck speed right now, and my baby food-making abilities haven’t gotten the memo. 

Cool Mom Picks Pick of the Year 2010Cue NurturMe, the
baby-food brainchild of two moms who came up with the ingenious idea of
drum- and freeze-drying organic fruits and veggies when they’re at
their freshest, turning them into powder, and then packaging them into
small, simple paper sleeves.

You simply add water or breastmilk to any
of NurturMe’s four flavors and get the consistency you want–just like
baby cereal. 

If my baby boy’s orange
squash-smeared smile is any indication of deliciousness, this stuff tastes
pretty great. Plus there’s no bulky packaging at all, which is awesome
news for the environment–not to mention my pantry  -Lexi 

Get a taste NurtureMe‘s slim sleeves of organic baby food in apple, peas, squash and sweet potatoes.