While there’s no shortage of typographic decals that can spell out messages or phrases on your wall, I’m a little wary when it comes to that stuff. It can be really fabulous if you’ve got a great eye, or it can go horribly, horribly wrong. Still, I like the idea of messages as art when it’s done well.
The recycled wooden signs from William Dohman
on Etsy are making me smile. Each one is cut from salvaged plywood then
beautifully cut and rustically painted in a color of your choice. I could see the apple-red eat sign in a kitchen, the geek sign over my desk, or my favorite, shut the front door right by…yeah. The front door.
But then, it’s only my favorite because he doesn’t have one that says stop touching your sister. –Liz
Find recycled wooden word signs online from William Dohman