After reading the encyclopedia of bedtime stories, singing four rounds of Twinkle Twinkle, and then providing my kids with snuggles, kisses, and several glasses of water, I go from sweetly shushing to sleep to bribing and begging them through gritted teeth and eyes rolled back in my head that silently say “Go to sleep already!” Except usually with a few expletives involved.

Apparently I’m not the only one.

The awesome new bedtime book “Go the F*** to Sleep,” which is for us parents, not kids, obviously, will have you nodding your head–that is if you can control it while you’re laughing hysterically. Well now it just got a whole lot better because you can download it as the Go the F***to Sleep audio book read by none other than Samuel L. Jackson. I couldn’t have conjured up a better choice myself.

If the book was funny on its own, it’s now wet-your-pants hilarious, and a little safer than having the book itself lying around your house for nosy little kids to find.

Be warned, there is obviously language here that is not appropriate for children–or you, if you’re not into that sort of thing. But I dare you not to laugh at Samuel L. Jackson reading, “Hell no, you may not have another glass of water.” That’s a little bit of genius right there. -Kristen

You can download Go the F*** to Sleep audio book at
and purchase the actual book at our affiliate