When you enter the solid food stage of babyhood, you see how messy a tiny baby can really be. Newborn spit-up has nothing on mashed bananas and avocado, right?
The Moxie Bib
is one of those why-didn’t-I-think-of-that mom inventions that I don’t
know how I lived without. A super-soft terrycloth bib –with sleeves–
that velcros around baby’s neck. That’s it. There’s even a short-sleeved
version for summer, though if your kid’s messy enough, a long-sleeved
one ought to work for you year-round.
The sleeves have cuffs to keep the food out and the soft
neckline offers complete coverage so food bits won’t sneak down onto
baby’s clothes. And I love that it can double as an art smock for the
older set. In fact, it ought to last well into toddlerhood.
Now, I’m not
usually a fan of Velcro on baby bibs, which catch on
their clothes, and can sometimes be sharp against their neck, but in
this case I like that it makes the sizing adjustable. Still, it would be great
to have a snap option in the future. –Stephanie P.
The Moxie bib with sleeves is available at MoxieBibs.com