The countdown is on–you’ve now got one month until Haunukkah! Do you know where your menorah is?
While I love the idea of using a menorah at Hanukkah that’s passed down through the generations, I think there’s also something great about finding one that suits your modern decor. That’s not as easy as a task as it sounds. Here, I’ve found 5 beautiful, funky, and sometimes a little avant garde menorahs for a modern MOT.
It’s not surprising that Jonathan Adler brings his trademark sense
of humor and design to a collection of Menorahs that includes the Peacock
Menorah and, of all things, a Dachsund
Menorah. There’s a kosher hot dog joke in there somewhere.
I also like the Jonathan
Adler skyline
menorah that’s easier on the kitsch, with elegant, graceful lines
that might look familiar to us city dwellers.
I’m really digging artist Laura
Cowan’s colorful steel cone menorah which is also available in a
more traditional single-toned stainless steel. I just would stick with a
single tone for the candles, like gold or silver, and not go with the
crazy multi-colored boxes too.
I think the stackable
travel menorah is an interesting concept–interlocking aluminum
candle holders that can stand individually, or any way you’d like to
configure them. They’re so small, just don’t forget where you store them
each year.
I always like design from Areaware and I think their wrought
iron menorah is pretty darn cool. While the materials may not be as
modern as aluminum, the simple graphic shape will make a striking
silhouette in the window. –Liz
Those are gorgeous!
I am stil using hand me downs from my grandparents!