For years, my kids and I turned to Laurie Berkner’s upbeat and catchy tunes like Victor Vito and I’m Gonna to Catch You to give our day a little pick-me-up and a reason to sing and dance around the living room. But we’re also really excited to hear that she has a lullaby CD in the works, and you can help get it produced! Plus get some awesome perks that won’t be available for long.

Because we know her pretty voice would make the nicest sound to hear at naptime, bedtime, or just mommy’s “quiet time”. 

Laurie Berkner on Cool Mom Picks

[We’re the first to tell you about this awesome project, so act now while the good stuff is still up for grabs!]

The Laurie Berkner Lullaby Album is the working title on Kickstarter for Laurie’s new collection of soon-to-be recorded songs for slumber time. With plans to include a mix of traditional lullabies as well as original songs, we are also thrilled that CMP favorite Brady Rymer, who joined her band earlier this year, will be part of this project.

Laurie Berkner Band on Cool Mom Picks

In turning to Kickstarter to raise funds for this project, Laurie makes sure she thanks her supporters with some great rewards, like advanced digital copies of the CD, sneak video peaks at the recording of the CD, and autographed—even personalized–copies of the CD.

For the bigger supporters, the rewards get verrrry cool, like Laurie recording your personal outgoing voice mail message; including your child’s artwork on the CD cover itself (whoa!); or even a chance for your kids to Skype with their favorite singer.

Though I do know some kids would be so excited about that, they’d never be able to fall asleep afterward, so maybe save the Skyping until after her lullaby CD is out. –Christina

Help Laurie Berkner finish her collection of lullabies by supporting her Kickstarter campaign which has about a month left to fundraise.