If Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the hit at the box office that it was on TV back in the 80’s I suspect a whole lot of kids will be flipping for this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle bento box lunch found at Alpha Mom. I am so not the Pinterest-approved, bento-making mom; if I pull out a lunch punch and go to town on my kids’ sun butter sandwiches, they think I got all creative on them. But this? I could actually pull off with a little effort. Especially since it’s made with food my kids will actually eat–right down to the goldfish and melon balls.
Visit Alpha Mom for all the instructions, and you might find yourself inspired. We might skip the TMNT officially licensed fruit snacks, though that’s totally your call. Something tells me if my kids make it through half of Leonardo’s head it will be a win.
Check out the full DIY instructions for a cool Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle bento box lunch at Alpha Mom.