You’re the onesie that I want

You’re the onesie that I want

Since my sweet third child will most likely be relegated to a life of shared toys and hand-me-down clothes, it’s always nice when someone sends her a personalized gift that makes it 100% clear that it was meant for her and her alone. So if you’re looking...
Say goodbye to terry cloth

Say goodbye to terry cloth

I realize that drooling over a baby towel might seem a bit ridiculous, but when your closet is stuffed to the gills with old, rough towels, then you’d be just as excited as I was to wrap your baby up in a Bamboosa Bath Wrap found at Peekagreen.The combination of...
Baby Book, Minus the Book Part

Baby Book, Minus the Book Part

  I failed Baby Book 101. I started with good intentions: She rolled over! Must write this down in the baby book! Then something would distract me, and I’d forget until the next milestone occurred. Which I’d forget to record as well. I wish I had...