I had to say I love you with an Etch-a-Sketch

I had to say I love you with an Etch-a-Sketch

I like giving my kids something cute for Valentine’s Day, but how many teddy bears with hearts can a child own? This Etch A Sketch t-shirt however, had me at  I love you. The tee is perfect for Valentine’s Day and all year round–I’m such a...
The Valentine’s gift that made me go Wow.

The Valentine’s gift that made me go Wow.

I love the Valentine’s cards my husband picks out for me each year. Truly, I save each and every one of them. But wouldn’t it be amazing if you got a personalized piece of hand-painted art to hang on your wall and enjoy it year after year? If you said yes,...
The best cupcakes are wrapped in cooties

The best cupcakes are wrapped in cooties

I can’t stop giggling over these printable cupcake wrappers available from the Spaceships and Laser Beams Etsy shop. The description says it’s so hard to find anything for Valentine’s Day that appeals to little boys… and sure, I can see the...