Itsabelly Guide to Going Green with BabyWhen we first discovered Itsabelly (wayyy back before all the newspapers, magazines and tv news programs I might add), they were a mere baby concierge service, helping panicked expecting parents to get their lives in order before the new arrival. But what we really liked about them was their focus on greening up the nursery and starting a new family in an eco-responsible way.

So it makes perfect sense that founders Melissa Moog and Jennifer Lo Prete have made their wealth of knowledge available to the masses with the wonderful Itsabelly’s Guide to Going Green With Baby: Mom-Tested Tips For a Healthy Baby and Happy Planet.

This simple, accessible and decidedly non-judgy guide gives a very nice assessment of the eco-friendly baby gear out there, and is full of tips that you can actually use, like how to go green without spending the kid’s college savings, and how to understand all those scary chemical names in your baby’s shampoo. It’s also sprinkled with excellent green parenting resource lists and tips from moms like us. Or come to think of it, moms including us– we got a nice quote in there about the hidden fashion benefits of hand-me-downs.

What’s especially valuable is the concise 50-page resource guide at the end of the book. Get out the non-toxic, biodegradable highlighter pen and get cracking. –Liz

find the Guide to Going Green with Baby at

Congratulations to Alexandria C, lucky winner of the Guide to Going Green with Baby!