BubblesI’m starting to see the signs of spring everywhere: Robins on the front lawn, crocus buds poking through the soil, and the kids lugging out the big jug of bubble juice so that they can blow bubbles outdoors to their hearts’ content.

They are right on cue, as March 20 starts National Bubble Week, a ten-year-old celebration of those soapy floating orbs that kicks off the season of warmer weather.

Oh sure, I’ve heard of kindhearted — albeit insane — parents who let their kids blow bubbles inside the house, but for us, it’s a treat reserved for those days when it’s warm enough to kick everyone outside. So, use this as an excuse to grab the bubbles, get outside and go crazy with the soap. Have the kids chase them around the yard for a few hours and you’ll be rewarded with a nice no-complaints bedtime. Now that is cause for celebration -Christina

National Bubble Week runs March 20-26, although you can enter to win The Ultimate Gazillion Bubbles Photo Contest up until July 23 for monthly Toys R Us gift cards and Gazillion Bubbles gifts.

Congratulations to Heather R, lucky winner of the Gazillion Bubbles prize pack!