There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to Valentine’s Day cards for kids, but I still love to see a fresh angle now and again. So I was totally charmed to find these scratch-off Valentine’s Day cards from Inklings Paperie, which are taking a cue from your favorite gas station lotto cards.
Sorry, no millions to win here; just a sweet message to hide — then let a friend reveal it. Provided you order soon!
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Related: 15+ fun, affordable Valentine’s gifts for kids.
They come with instructions for how assemble and hide your secret message, too, even if the message is just the name of the sender.And if you wind up with extra, I think they’d make the perfect lunch box notes, too.
Or, sneak one to your significant other with a NSFW V-day message–just make sure you keep them straight from the kiddos.
Find the scratch-off Valentine’s Day cards at the Inkling Paperie Etsy shop and make haste! You’ll need to order by February 2nd to guarantee a Valentine’s Day arrival.