Let’s face it, parents: screens are here to stay. So why are we still so ambivalent about them? Maybe being unplugged isn’t actually the best way to help our kids thrive in this digital world. On this week’s Spawned podcast, we’re chatting with speaker and author Jordan Shapiro who shares a new way approaching technology with our kids in his new book, The New Childhood: Raising Kids To Thrive in a Connected World. We think you’ll appreciate his refreshing and perhaps controversial perspective on this topic.
(Find the book on our affiliate Amazon or from your local indie book seller)
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More about The New Childhood
In Jordan Shapiro’s new book (which Kristen can’t stop talking about), he discusses a new way of looking at technology, smartphones, and screen time. Are we helping or hurting our kids by continuing this analog vs. binary battle? Should we be giving our kids smartphones when they’re younger? What can parents do to help guide their kids through a terrain that is so unfamiliar?
Some of the questions and issues we cover:
Why are parents so scared of video games? (It’s got a fascinating history!)
How do we embrace family screen time, and why is it so important?
Are we actually introducing kids to phones too late instead of too early?
What can parents do to ease themselves into what might feel like a totally different digital parenting approach?
Ideas for more worthwhile videos for kids on YouTube besides unboxing.
Why fear of technology may be worse than the actual technology.
And if you want more information on this topic, be sure to check out our new Ultimate Guide to Digital Parenting, where we tackle these topics and a whole lot more.
This week’s awesome sponsor: “Circle” by Mac Barnett
We’re so happy that this week’s episode is brought to you by the new children’s book Circle, the third installment of the Shapes trilogy by New York Times best-selling authors Mac Barnett and John Klaassen, published by Candlewick Press. It’s been a popular book in Kristen’s house at bedtime.
Kids ages 5-9 will love this witty, clever story of three very sneaky shapes — Triangle, Square, and of course, Circle — and how Circle has to rescue Triangle when he breaks an important rule that she’s made. The entire trilogy makes a wonderful addition to any kid’s library.
For a great gift for kids, save 25% using promo code CANDLEWICK through this link on the new release Circle,
as well as the first two books in the Shapes trilogy, Square and Triangle.
Cool Picks of the Week
Jordan: A fantastic read to add to your list (after The New Childhood, of course): Daisy Jones and the Six. Also, have you seen the Flintstones LEGO set?
Liz: We love supporting small, indie artisans, which is why Liz is loving Limbo Jewelry. Check out these earrings she picked up on her recent visit to Austin.
Kristen: Pea milk (which sounds really funny when you hear it on our podcast). It’s the newest non-dairy milk and it’s tasty.
Cool Mom Picks is an Amazon affiliate.