This is a sponsored post on behalf of mineditionUS
Give the gift of reading and togetherness this holiday season, and well, any day of the year, with the board books from mineditionUS/Astra Books for Young Readers. They’ve been carefully created with everything babies and toddlers need to make enjoying them together special.
Designed to fit baby hands, the size of these books is intentional, making it easy to hold your little one on your lap while reading them together. Plus, they’re also sturdy enough for little ones to grip, and play with, the book all by themselves.
The interactive elements, like die-cut holes in CIRCLES and MOVING BLOCKS, and the fold-out features in the Peek-a-Who? series (seen above), make them so enticing to babies and toddlers, not to mention the bright, bold artwork that’s also clear, simple, and uncomplicated. The more senses kids use when reading, the stronger their developmental process will be, and the more they’ll associate reading with other fun activities in their world.
And they’ve been developed for that short baby and toddler attention span, which is exactly what it should be developmentally, by the way.
What you’ll discover with the wonderful mineditionUS board books like SHARING and PEEK-A-MOOD or WE LOVE EACH OTHER is that they’re made with all kinds of things your baby and toddler need so that they can develop later to become strong, voluntary readers. Hooray!
Purchase these adorable books for your baby or toddler at, or wherever you get your books. This has been a sponsored post on behalf of mineditionUS.