When I cracked open a review copy of The Complete Book of Baby Names by Leslie Bolton in search for a name for my yet unnamed fetus, I was expecting the same old same old.
Yes, there’s the requisite index of names and several chapters of decent naming advice. But what I loved best about this book were the lists – so many wonderful lists! Nearly 300 in fact, all to help open your mind beyond Madison and Max.
Think: biblical names, literary names, and popular names from dozens of countries around the world. You’ll find names inspired by every kind of athlete from bowlers to Heisman trophy winners. And I especially loved the more esoteric top tens, like mob names, surfers, stuntmen, guitarists and optometrists. Of course some of the inclusions seem a bit arbitrary–according to the author, I’m a supermarket checkout clerk. Who knew.
Overall, if you need a naming resource beyond the outstanding (ha) suggestions from friends and family, I’d certainly suggest you make this your first–and maybe your only–purchase. –Liz
