I don’t do much overseas traveling. Okay, none, really. And I can’t even blame my kids, since I barely did it before they were born, either. A passionate desire for a reduced carbon footprint or sheer laziness? I’ll let you decide.
But, I have to admit, my kids might like to venture out of the country once in a while. So, while I intend to remain close to home this holiday season, the least I can do is expose them to the rest of the world from the comfort of our story corner.
Barefoot Books now offers a lovely gift collection of storybooks — the
PBS KIDS Global Gift Set — for homebodies and travelers alike. These three children’s paperbacks promise to take me and my kids on a trip to Mexico, Egypt, and Tanzania, teaching lessons about each country along the way. The books come packaged in a little eco-bag and, even better, Barefoot Books will give $5 from every sale of the PBS KIDS Global Gift Set to, you guessed it, PBS KIDS. –
Find the PBS KIDS Global Gift Set of children’s books at Barefoot Books