Swaddling inspired total fear in me as a new mom. I knew it was an essential part of getting the baby to stop crying for two seconds; it’s just that it seemed like one more new skill that my postpartum brain wouldn’t be able to handle.
Half the battle, as I soon learned, was simply having the right blanket to work with. The swaddling wraps from the Aussie mums behind aden+anais are just that–as well as a more stylish, practical, and ethical alternative to swiping the blankets from the hospital.
They’re made from a lightweight, breathable cotton muslin so no worrying whether the baby is sweltering under there. And the more you wash them, the softer and comfier they get. I also love the ample size, which means you (I) won’t end up with that stupid last corner that you (I) can’t get tucked in tightly enough.
(And psst…if you still can’t get the hang of swaddling, the aden+anais site has got some very helpful tips.)
I’m kind of wishing I had used these with baby #1 so that I wouldn’t have so many pictures of her in that ugly, pilled, stolen hospital blanket. Good thing I don’t have to make that mistake the second time around. –Liz