Having a baby can even the most organized of mothers a run for their money. And save having a personal assistant, it seems like it’s a common known fact that moms just aren’t going to be able to keep everything together as well as they did pre-kiddo.
That’s why I love the products from Buttoned Up, a company founded by four women who found a way to make lives easier without having to endure some rigid organizational system that make us all shiver. They’ve created simple tool kits for everything from moving homes to getting your life’s essentials organized, all in one spiffy binder. The Life.doc binder in particular is great for new parents, helping you to gather your insurance information, emergency plan, even important numbers for the babysitter all in one place.
Just pop in the CD-Rom, print out the forms, andvoila! We only wishthe quietuninterrupted timeneeded to putthe info together was includedtoo.-Kristen
