Nothing like a chilly night to make parents thankful for those smart little sleep sacks–unless you’re like me, and your enormous 10-month-old has surpassed the weight and age limits on all the sacks out there.

But hooray Köhlrbaby, hero to all parents with large babies and tots up to 24 months old who still need, want, or must have a sleep sack. Made in Vancouver by designer Jill Koehler, the sacks are constructed with super-awesome fleece and cleverly accented with a cute sheep whose ribbon tag feet occupy idle sleepy hands. Choose from their Organic line or their Napsacks, a lighter version of their classic (and very popular) Sheep Sack.

If you’re not sold yet, know that Köhlrbaby has been recognized for their "zero waste" manufacturing practices. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think they were my own personal guardian angels. -Kristen

Congratulations to winner Mia D!
