As the year draws to a close, we hope you’re looking for a few well-deserving organizations to which to bequeath a few tax-deductible dollars. Not that there’s any lack of such dot-orgs in the world, but we thought we’d add a really cool one to the list: Trickle Up.

Taking a page from the "Teach a (wo)man to fish…" school of thought, the charity gives seed money, training and support to women in developing countries to help them start or grow businesses. We’re talking like 10,000 businesses a year. That’s a whole lot of women pulling themselves out of poverty.

Not like you need another reason, but if you donate $100 now in someone’s name, you’ll get a sweet charm necklace from NY jewelry designer Ten Thousand Things (also a fave of Trickle Up spokesceleb, Maggie Gyllenhaal) – which, let’s face it, is a little nicer than a "we’ve made a donation in your name" holiday card. –Liz

