The Easter Bunny doesn’t receive letters, he sends them. And evidently they’re very, very small. The World’s Smallest Postal Service courtesy of Lea Redmond of Leafcutter Designs can rock your kid’s world with a teeny tiny letter in a teeny tiny envelope stamped with the official Easter Bunny seal.
So much better than yet another piece of pastel candy and kids will be delighted by the “authentic” size of it all.
Think you’re too old to read a letter that small? (I mean, these letters are small.) Fear not: each teeny tiny Easter card comes with a teeny tiny magnifier, all wrapped up in a plastic egg with some colorful grass. Even Grandma can manage this one. -Rita
Get a letter from the Easter Bunny or any other teeny tiny correspondence you might need at Leafcutter Designs.
*Hurry! You need to order by Sunday to get yours in time for Easter – or pay a little extra for Priority Mail (if you beg her) until Tuesday