I admit that when I first saw Lynn Hirshfield’s new book, Girls Gone Green, I mistakenly assumed it was a collection of tween and teen celebrities sharing how they use eco-conscious nail polish or consume locally grown avocados in their California Rolls vegetables prepared by their personal chef. Much to my surprise and delight, I was completely wrong.
Instead, I found a fantastic compilation of stories from real live tween and teen girls who are making a huge difference on the eco frontlines. Take 10 year-old Millie Passacantando who is dedicated to saving polar bears, and has a thriving blog and a speaking gig on Capitol Hill to prove it. Or Amelia Marstaller, a high school student who helped start an organic, natural garden at her school to help educate her community about the environment and eventually bring local grown foods to her school cafeteria.
These compelling and easy-to-read stories are divided in chapters like The Beauty Entrepreneurs and Fashionistas and The Growers and the Grocers, and scattered among them you’ll find quick, helpful eco tips from well-known teen celebs, green female activists and other role models. Or at least the kinds of role models you’ll be happy to have your kids look up to.
Girls Gone Green is flooded with valuable information that presented in such an inspiring, non-pretentious way that I can’t wait for my daughter to be old enough to read it. -Kristen
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